Jon was the guest editor for the Winter 2017 edition of the Architecture Bulletin, the official journal of the NSW Chapter of the Australian Institute of Architects.
Affordability - A Field Study aims to inform the local architectural community and promote its engagement.
Key commentators on housing affordability and urban planning provide the context, including The Grattan Institute, City Futures (UNSW), Roderick Simpson, Ben Spies-Butcher, and Ashley Dunn.
Contemporary European housing projects are presented, highlighting the diversity offered and noting the obvious comparison between the richness evident in these projects and the lack of similar local projects here in Australia.
An array of affordable housing types are represented, from the most affordable to the least. The articles cover - Karakusevic Carson’s work on housing estate regeneration in London, the NSW Government’s Communities Plus program, the not-for-profit housing sector and inclusionary zoning, cohousing and aging, community land trusts, share houses and boarding houses, cooperative housing, caravan parks, a Baugruppen project in Freemantle, the Missing Middle Competition, and Nightingale Housing’s trip to Sydney.
Links -
Architecture Bulletin Winter 2017 (full document)
Guest Editor - Jon Jacka. Editor & Designer - Ricardo Felipe. Editorial Chair - David Tickle. Editorial Committee - Nicola Balch, Ashley Dunn, Amelia Holliday. Managing Editor - Joshua Morin.
Contributors - Roderick Simpson, Ben Spies-Butcher (Macquarie University), Laurence Troy & Hazel Easthope (City Futures UNSW), John Daley & Brendan Coates (Grattan Institute), Ashley Dunn, Rob Burton, Kate Rintoul, Hector Abrahams, Michael Zanardo, Anne Colenbrander, Louise Crabtree (Western Sydney University), Rob Harper, Hugo Moline, Harry Margalit, Geoffrey London, Lee Hillam, Adam Russell and Peter Rush.